Fun stuff for kids and parents

Tried and tested on willing guinea piglets

This optimistic, self-employed writer, translator, columnist and mum knows that with kids, a dash of charm and a good giggle beat fear of failure every time.

So here are some out-of-the-box ideas to keep kids and parents happy for hours...

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Make a cosy hedgehog house

You'll need
- a pallet
(we got ours for about £3 from a local plant nursery. Just plain wood, with no paint or surface treatment that might be poisonous for hedgehogs)
- a hammer
- nails
- cold water
- a plaster
- off-cuts of wood
(or use a big pallet and cut it in half and use the bits from the extra half)
- plastic sacks
- paving slabs (not too big)
About this size, in fact.
First they took two plastic sacks, wrap the ends on one side and nail them onto
 the pallet as a roof. That will stop rainwater dripping inside.
Now they found pieces of wood to fit three sides of
the pallet and nailed them on VERY carefully. 
This piece of wood was perfect for the base. You'll even see it has breakfast
in bed for its hoggy owner if you look closely enough
The last side was going on when...
OUCH! Poor Louis. Poor thumb. Put it in cold water.
The bit of a log beside his hand made a great way of blocking
half the entrance. You can see that in the finished house.
With Louis taking a break (not literally, thank goodness, it was only bruised)
it was Jake's chance to shine.
The base wasn't quite big enough so we added another strip of wood.
And when all the sides were done leaving an opening as a door,
and the top and base were fixed firmly in place...
the boys found a good spot away from the lawnmover and in
between our garden and Tina's so she can see hoggies too.

Actually her living room is closer than ours,
which is right around the other side of the gallery AND the cottage.
But the secret garden where we put it is far away from the road and that's
more important than anything.

We made a base of slabs to help stop the wooden base from rotting.
Six slabs fitted perfectly.
Jake lowered the house on top, plastic roof up, naturally.
Mind your fingers!
We put some slabs on top so Mr Fox can't flip it over.
And then covered it up with sticks and other stuff for extra insulation.
Last of all we put  old dry leaves, straw or strips of newspaper inside it as cosy bedding.
Do you think any hedgehogs will find it while we're away? Can you?
It's not in the woodpile because that's too close to a tree that's leaning a bit
close to the gallery and needs to be cut down. (We've planted four trees, so don't worry).

Thinking about it, that's rather an attractive pile og twigs and stuff. In fact, there could already be at least three families of hedgehogs already living in that pile, but we've never seen any.

Fingers crossed!

Thursday 7 May 2015

Hedgehog muffins!!!


For about 40 muffins, you will need


6tsk.baking powder
4tsk.vanilla sugar
sweetie eyes and noses
200gramdessicated coconut
500grambrown sugar

If you want fewer muffins, get your child to do some useful maths (division :o)

Whisk the butter and sugar together well. Add the eggs one at a time and mix well. Mix in the rest of the ingredients.

Fill the muffin cases about two thirds of the way up and put the cases touching so that they come out square and you can use one corner as the nose. Bake in an oven at 200 degrees centigrade (400 Fahrenheit or mark 6) for about 16 minutes or until a skewer poked in comes out clean.

Melt all the topping ingredients in a saucepan while the cake is baking.

Take out the cake and put the topping on two-thirds of each muffin (see below). Leave a nose poking out. 

Bake for another 5 minutes. Add sweetie eyes and noses glued on with cake gel/icing sugar.

NOW put pictures on Facebook, tag each of your friends as a different hedgehog, 
sell them for a bit of profit (we're selling ours for DKK 5 each), and send any proceeds to the Danish hedgehog society. 9570 og Kontonummer 9069755
Giro konto >01 og gironummer 9069755
MobilePay, mobilnummer 30141662

Don't feel bad about just making the muffins for birthdays etc. and putting out water for hedgehogs during the summer. We'll be making a hedgehog house in a week or two.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Make a hedgehog cake for a good cause...

It's Hedgehog Awareness Week from 3-6 May in England So why not make a cake and auction it on social media then send the
proceeds to 
Reg. no. 9570 and account no. 9069755and help the Danish hedgehog charity

Step 1: make your favourite round chocolate cake.
Cut it in half and round off the sides.
Cover it in chocolate butter frosting.
Like this.
Melt some milk chocolate in a bowl over a saucepan of water
Then dip the strawberries in one at a time, carefully.
Then pin them onto the cake with cocktail sticks
or they keep sliding off.
All over.
Cover one end of an ice cream waffle in some melted
chocolate and add sweetie eyes
Then add some dark chocolate sprinkles quick before the melted
chocolate dries or licked off by mistake.
Jake found four prunes in the cupboard and
added cocktail stick claws for paws
And here it is!
The only problem is that it's not easy to eat it afterwards.
Well maybe not for the first few seconds!