Fun stuff for kids and parents

Tried and tested on willing guinea piglets

This optimistic, self-employed writer, translator, columnist and mum knows that with kids, a dash of charm and a good giggle beat fear of failure every time.

So here are some out-of-the-box ideas to keep kids and parents happy for hours...

Sunday 22 November 2015

Jake's big brothers (Fuld Effekt) have a new video to promote their upcoming EP

It's in Danish but not too many swear words (as far as I can hear).
And yes that's my car being borrowed again :o).

(Left to right: Claus  - can't take the credit for him or Speakr,
who does a lot of the driving - but Zac and Alex are great big brothers for Jake) 

Click below for the fun to start! 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Make your own non-slip socks

You'll need:
Some socks
A paintbrush
Some rubbery glue or left-over latex (like we used)
Rolled up newspaper to stuff inside the socks to stop the glue from gluing both sides together
Make dots for your toes
But don't do what we did next..
Because if you cover large parts of the socks with this
And do several layers, it looks cool...
Really cool and when it dries it's very good for stopping kids from slipping over
The bits covered in the glue DON'T stretch.

So you end up with the heel halfway under your foot.

You should
which is probably more fun for kids anyway.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Bonfire night. BE A HERO! And GREAT NEWS for hedgehog lovers

Tomorrow afternoon, spread a tarpaulin/sheet by the bonfire, move the wood and stuff onto the tarp, checking for sleepy hedgehogs. All done? Take the chance to put nice DRY newspaper in the base of the fire as you pile the wood back up. Have a GREAT NIGHT and a clear conscience that there won't be a family of hoglets in there somewhere smile emoticon.


Our 'luxury' hog house under our kitchen window
(complete with pretty blue paddly/drinking pool)
now has a hoggy resident!
We are THRILLED to bits.
He/she is still coming out at nights and we could hear him
gnashing away on catfood behind the litter bin
while we handed out sweets and hot chocolate from my
witch's couldron to hordes of Viking Halloween guests.
I've spread out a punctured airbed on top to keep out the weather.
I intended to nail it down but hoggy is asleep during the daytime
and I'd hit my thumbs in the dark. 
This is the inhabited side, with little footprints.
This is the other side. We are not sure if anyone is in there,
because Jakob was so surprised to see the first hoggy under the hay,
that we put the lid down quickly.
We didn't want to disturb the dear little thing.

Tonight Dr Watson plans to put a piece of paper down to
see if anyone leaves any footprints.

Six hoggies (Mummy + three babies, and two middle-sized)
have been coming for food since about the end of August,
so there are plenty of potential tenants.

Watch this space tomorrow for news.

No footprints outside the right-hand side yet...