Fun stuff for kids and parents

Tried and tested on willing guinea piglets

This optimistic, self-employed writer, translator, columnist and mum knows that with kids, a dash of charm and a good giggle beat fear of failure every time.

So here are some out-of-the-box ideas to keep kids and parents happy for hours...

Thursday 25 June 2015

Playing with Paverpol glue with our friend Susanne

Here is the Star Wars Sith Jake made.

And here's how he made it..
As well as the garden (Bonzai) wire to make the figure's skeleton...

You'll need an old sheet, silver foil, a 1 ltr tub of Paverpol.

The rest of the stuff was used on
my vultures, which will be on the blog next week
First Jake and Susanne made the body out of wire.
Then Jake padded it out with silver foil.
When that was done, he cut strips of old sheet up - about 2 inches wide
by six inches long (though I've lived with centimeters and the
24-hour clock long enough to mix up measurements and end up with a an unhappy medium).

Luckily Paverpol is not an exact science.
And then he dipped the strips of sheet in the Paverpol liquid glue,
scraped off the excess and
wound them around the wire frame.
In between layers, he used my hair drier to help speed up the process.
My hair drier will never be the same but it was all in a good cause.
And my hair does what it wants, regardless of hair driers, anyway.

It took two to put on the cape.
Sith still. 
Then come the ticklish bits. Jake built up very small layers
of sheet to make eyebrows and a nose.
The spikes are tiny twigs. They are called something cooler than 'spikes' but Jake has gone to bed, so I can't refer to a higher authority.
The light sabre is a longer twig.
And then he wound some sheeting round a wire fixed to a base that
Susanne had prepared in advance. Cool!
And the finishing touch was to add some silver paint. It took about 4.5 hours altogether and is an excellent present for Jake's big brother, Alex, who is also a true Star Wars fan.

See how my vultures took shape :o). See what sensible people made.

And see when you can sign up for a parent and kiddy Paverpol fun day with Susanne in the autumn. (She hasn't quite finalised the dates yet).

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